It's 'THAT' Time of the Year

Dec 12, 2024
Can you believe it’s almost the end of 2024? Year-end receipting will be at the top of the “to-do” list before we know it! Here’s some receipting reminders - 

3 Important Facts about Year-End receipting for Canadian Charities: 

  1. The date of donation is the date the charity receives the gift. In the case of mailed donations, the date of the postmark on the envelope is considered the date of the donation. Keep stamped envelopes at year end for your records. 
  1. Emailed receipts must be sent as a PDF or other format that cannot be altered. 
  2. Charities are required to keep copies of all electronic receipts. Ensure your donor CRM is set up to store copies of your electronic receipts allowing you to provide copies during year-end and audits.  
Managing donation receipts effectively is crucial for maintaining compliance and building trust with your supporters. A reliable donor database can simplify the process, ensuring accurate record-keeping and seamless donor communication. Not sure where to start? Let The Fundraising Lab help! Contact us today to discuss how the right donor database and systems and processes can transform your organization’s fundraising efforts. 

Happy Holidays....and here is to a great 2025!

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